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Hurricane Preparation – Insurance Information Every Homeowner Should Know
Note: The following information and slides were presented at a public meeting by Mr. Ron Camarota of the Louisiana Department of Insurance. We believe this information is critical for property owners and provide it here as a public resource.
With yet another storm season approaching, the time to prepare is now! Given the increase in frequency and strength of storms, the Louisiana Department of Insurance recognizes the need for a more aggressive, proactive approach to reach as many people as possible. There is a real need to explain how the components of a homeowners policy – coverages, limits, exclusions and deductibles – work and why they are critical to protecting your most valuable asset.
We cover practical ways to minimize or avoid risk. Perhaps most enlightening, we take the mystery out of the claims process and show policyholders what they can do in advance to ensure they are well prepared to navigate it safely and with less stress.
We want our citizens to know we are here to help and protect them through the Policy Holders Bill of Rights.
The Office of Consumer Advocacy has helped thousands of Louisianans with their post-disaster issues. Through its formal complaint process, LDI has the regulatory power to ensure agents, adjusters and insurance companies perform ethically under the Louisiana Insurance Code.
For most people, a home is the largest single investment they will ever make. Let us help you be prepared and protected now, not after a disaster strikes.
Download the Presentation Here
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