Specialized Facilities
Gretna BMX
Please visit the Gretna BMX Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/thegretnabmx for frequently updated hours of operation and race times.
Gretna Observatory
The Gretna Observatory is the largest public observatory in the Greater New Orleans Region. The observatory is normally open Monday and Wednesday evenings from dusk to 10 PM. If conditions are cloudy or raining the observatory will be closed.
Gretna Bark Park
- Dogs must be on a leash while entering and exiting the fenced area.
- No food is allowed inside the Dog Park
- All dog waste must be disposed of properly by owners in the provided containers.
- Dogs must be properly inoculated and healthy, free of contagious conditions, diseases and parasites.
- Smoking is not allowed within the Dog Park.
- Dogs must be spayed or neutered.
- Owners/Handlers must remain inside the fenced area, with leashes in hand and within view and voice control of their dogs at all times.
- Choke or prong collars are not allowed.
- Puppies under 4 months old are prohibited.
- No more than 3 dogs per owner.
- Female dogs in heat are not allowed.
- Dogs must wear rabies tags on their collar.
- Handlers must be 16 years old or older.
- Persistent barking and aggressive dogs are not allowed.
- No for profit activities may take place.
- The city of Gretna reserves the right to require any dog and/or any owner/handler to immediately leave the park.
**Owners are solely liable for injuries or damages caused by their dog(s). Each owner/handler waives liability to the City of Gretna and their employees from any injury or damage caused by their dog(s). All persons utilizing the dog park waive liability to the City of Gretna and their employees for all injury or damage to person, property or pet.**